
April/May 2023 – The Data Driven Point of View

May 11, 2023 | News

Access to guideline recommended biomarker testing continues to vary depending on the insurance payer and also from state to state. Legislation is passing in many states to guarantee insurance coverage of biomarker testing. This testing, if accurate, helps determine the best treatment options for patients.

Problem:  In the Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) space, not all biomarker testing is sufficiently accurate. Patients’ life-saving biomarkers may be entirely missed by some labs, or misidentified, resulting in patients not having the opportunity for the best treatment and improved chance of survival.

Solution:  Ensuring that LDTs commercially available are ACCURATE!  When insurers are required to pay for testing supported by medical and scientific evidence, it is essential that the results are driving the right patient care!

CGI is here to ensure your patients are getting accurate results!

The nonprofit Center for Genomic Interpretation (CGI) can assist by taking a non-biased approach by reviewing testing options to ensure the tests are being accurately represented. When choosing a genetic testing lab, ensure you are ordering or choosing a lab for ‘in network’ status that is delivering accurate results! Let us analyze this quickly and inexpensively today! Our review of a lab test’s technical accuracy costs less than a single risk reducing surgery or precision medicine therapy option.

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